Avoid Overspending This Holiday Season

December 14, 2017
Jamie Hopkins

Avoid Overspending This Holiday Season

Professor Jamie Hopkins was recently quoted by Experian in an article telling people how to avoid overspending. The most likely group of Americans to overspend are also the group that should be spending the least. Low income individuals and younger individuals tend to overspend the most around the holidays. This can sidetrack their financial goals and increase their debt obligations.

While you want to spend and buy presents for family and friends, set a budget and stick to it. Don’t go into credit card debt just to buy gifts around Christmas.

For a smart way to gift, consider making charitable donations on someone’s behalf. This can be more meaningful than a gift card. It also can help you out come tax time as the gift is likely deductible.

To learn more and read the article, click the link below.

Read Experian Article